
App for reflections

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Interview App

Build Status


Practicing mock interviews helps the Candidate develop skills for answering technical question during the interview process while lowering testing anxiety. It also helps the Interviewer gain perspective on desired qualities in candidates.


Specifications and requirements will be assigned based on the items in backlog within the Development project (see the projects tab of the interview-app repository).

Start development server

Run this in a terminal window (setting DISABLE_IDM mocks out the IDM server)

    DISABLE_IDM=true ./go start

Running tests

To run your test and reset the test database:

 ./go test

Reset your local development db

   ./go reset_db development

(Optional) Setup instructions for IDM for the brave

If this is the first time you're setting up the Interview-App repo:

  1. Get the IDM repo from your team lead, and have move it to the same folder level that your interview-app resides (do not put IDM into the interview-app repo). In your terminal, navigate to the interview-app directory and enter the following command:
  • ./go init

  1. Create a .env.development file in the IDM repo and follow steps 7 & 8 in the IDM README.

  2. Create a .env.development file in the Interview-App repo and add only the JWT_PUBLIC_KEY from the IDM repo. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE, this is not the real key (The key should all be one single line with /n as line breaks):

    • JWT_PUBLIC_KEY="-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMEOWMEOWMEOWMEOWIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQ3FAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvr1sxNbmbBwWlT101LWj\ngYp9csutmPKX6yi0DOojeg2RDaRwkr5UOd4pbr6/5Plgvx12hXxWGN54ZG4Aaz1y\nZmDs6DFyeWNtzcVdjhOuoG8PzF/kt613JJClkZ/k827bW7go4TGL3cRg9E8Rdcc7\nhKmWo2nPNSV6EiQreGzvlPCqbpVyqvKOrtDXVSn73HxGlrBLbZXq6YPNfrvgKOCm\nyMNsnfYS6nLTJ+YERNzZuZOX2steqsyFuN5cygvme5AMxjo3fi5tBN5IkFwYWFh1\nOGqEE3w+WOlN1spS/6d9EADOzCbRWx7rUaiRrdLDKhBldmoqdUhCjw8f8vAntEWh\nGwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"

  3. Make sure your IDM repo is on the same level as your Interview-App repo (but not within the Inverview-App repo)

  4. In interview-app terminal:

  • ./go install_idm (this completes steps 9-16 within the IDM README file)

  1. If node environment error appears, please do the following:
    • Open a new terminal window and navigate to the IDM folder

    • In IDM terminal:

      • cat ~/.npmrc

    • Copy the token that follows //registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=

    • In IDM terminal (open with your text editor of choice):

      • atom ~/.zshrc

      or, if you're using bash:

      • atom ~/.bashrc

    • At the bottom of the file, add:

      • export NPM_AUTH_TOKEN=--paste token--

      • export NODE_ENV=development

    • In IDM terminal:

      • source ~/.zshrc

      or, if you're using bash:

      • source ~/.bashrc

  2. Follow steps 17-19 in the IDM README file

Guide to contributing questions

  • Fork the repo
  • Add the questions to the file data/questions.json. Make sure the questions are tagged with the appropriate topics, and level.
  • Create a Pull Request from your forked repo against the master branch of this repo.