
Official BETA-blockchain and crypto-currency for GuildWorx.com

MIT LicenseMIT

GuildSkrypt & Experience Points

Official BETA-informal blockchain & cryptocurrency for GuildWorx.com

Each XP wallet address should be owned by only one user. The inherent risk of exposing a private key will mitigate people from sharing them. From the business end we will be verifying ID before sending out Membership transactions from address "0x91404fd245647b7a1a62120407201eace266dc64". Being a type of ID in itself these specially flagged XP wallets will be coded with a hook system for associating with a number of tokens such as REP, Merit Badges, Holocratic Roles, and Company Shares.

This is for the purpose of creating documentation and testing launching with a contract.


Ubuntu -

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ethereum

Mist -

Open command line and navigate to Mist's geth folder to enter the following command line

geth --datadir "guildskrypt" --genesis "guildskrypt-beta.json" --networkid "65170" --etherbase "0x91404fd245647b7a1a62120407201eace266dc64" --bootnodes "enode://e491f1f4178833883f8a8a7009159f6cb4a59635eed70645013b55f872240447504bbff46b0a6a46bef8ed57eb1c0b29dd1f97362af2cc46fb001ce145601a8f@" console

The beta-genesis block will have a hash of [8090272c...]

#CLI Commands

##Bootnode -


##Mine -


##Get Coinbase Total -

web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase), "ether")

#javascript helper functions


function checkAllBalances() { var i =0; eth.accounts.forEach( function(e){ console.log(" eth.accounts["+i+"]: " + e + " \tbalance: " + web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(e), "ether") + " ether"); i++; }) };