GuildedThorn's Following
- ZephyFoxy
- Vincenz0J05
- Gizachew29
- DemonDev2
- theo2612
- ColinHDevGermany
- ethaniccc
- ponjo-studiosUnited States of America
- CupidonSauce173Canada, QC
- nop-tech
- RebirthPE-Team
- robotasticRobotastic
- ZeroChaos-Pentoo Linux
- zgaymercodeIT Manager @TheKwakBrothers
- apple-oss-distributionsUnited States of America
- AppleOSSDistributionsApple, Inc.
- NightraidStudiosThorns Apartment
- devkitProUnited Kingdom
- heckersploit
- 4BenjAustralia
- memetrollsXDDiscord: @hk4e
- KiminaNatsukiRepublic of China, Taiwan
- lunaticwhatVietnam
- alt3riat my home
- ArikatsuAndromeda
- SmurkulatorMorocco
- Shubhamvis98India
- SleepTheGodGitBrew
- skywarped-mc-archiveUnited States of America
- coleleavittUSA
- Daedalus-BModera
- satencLegend Network
- TropicLegend
- axldroidLondon, UK
- BeatTogether