Security Manager Kata

The goal here is to refactor this codebase

What is refactoring ?

It means changing the codebase without impacting the observable behaviours

For example:

  • if the execution crashes for one input, after refactoring the execution should still crash for this input
  • if the execution write something in the console, the formatting should still be the same in the console
  • if someone imports my project in another project, his or her project should still work after the refactoring

What are the issues ?

  • Tests

There are no tests, maybe we could do something about this

Note that as there are no tests, you can't be sure you introduce a regression, so how could you make sure you don't introduce a regression ?

  • Dependencies

The method have two implicit dependencies, this could be useful to get rid of them

  • Security

The password security is not really strong enough, could you make it more secure ?

  • TypeScript

This codebase is not really idiomatic TypeScript, do you think you could make it more idiomatic ?

This means that usually, a codebase written in TypeScript shouldn't look like this

What is an implicit dependency ?

function updateUser(string newName) { = newName; // explicit dependency
    this.modificationDate =; // implicit dependency

An explicit dependency is a dependency passed as argument in a function or a class An implicit dependency is not passed as argument, thus you can't know your function or class has this dependency only by looking at it's signature

import { tokenGenerator } from '@myCompany/token-generator';

class UserUpdater {

        private repository: UserRepository, // explicit dependency
    ) {
        this.token = tokenGenerator(); // implicit dependency

