27/02 - UPDATED APP HOSTING FOR TEST on port 3000 is no longer avaible, I made this for improving optimization, deploying the application using SERVE. now the application is fully available for mobile/desktop direct performance and present purposes at (at 5000 port)

What make me create a build its because of some econnreset error that was occurring on the project after executing the page out of the production mode.

Project completion:

Some things present on application are demonstrative with no functions ("New Releases" and "Highlights"), for design purposes. The part of page destinated to test revision, is the last one called "Your List", where will communicate with back end functions.

You can run the application from test server anywhere using browser. IP:

Instructions to run:

cd [project root] npm start (front end) nodemon database/src/index.js (back end)

A -

To the project I decided to use ReactJS with some design layout components.

B -

For me, at back end sight it's a simple project, with some consults at database. At front-end it is a bit challenging because of my ReactJS practice, since I have more practice with mobile applications.

C -

I would explore and find for the best front end alternative, looking at the options listed, and I would take a time further on application UI/UX.