Sala de Estudos Flask API
This is a backend API for saladeestudos_COMP_UFF.
It provides infos about professors, subjects, lessons and more for students of Tecnologia em Sistemas de Computação course of Universidade Federal Fluminense.
Development mode
This Flask application requires a PostrgreSQL database running. You can set the parameters to access the database in .secrets.toml and use .secrets.toml.example as example.
For development mode it's recommended to use a virtual environment. Try to follow this tutorial on .
Install poetry to manage dependencies:
$ curl -sSL | python
You can use poetry to manage virtual environments too.
Since you have a virtual environment installed, you can install this application for development using a single command:
$ make install-dev
Update the database.
$ flask db upgrade
Now you can run this application in development mode.
$ make run-dev
Returns a list of all subjects on the database
[ { "code": "ead05006", "id": 1, "material_design_icon": null, "name": "Álgebra Lienar" }, { "code": "ead05018", "id": 2, "material_design_icon": null, "name": "Análise de Sistemas" }, ... ]
Returns data referent for a subjects
{ "amount_lessons": 15, "code": "ead05006", "drive_link": null, "github_link": null, "id": 1, "name": "Álgebra Lienar", "type": "OBRIGATÓRIA", "workload": 80 }
Returns a list of lessons
[ { "id": 1, "lesson_index": "Aula 001", "thumbnail": "", "title": "Vetores" }, { "id": 2, "lesson_index": "Aula 002", "thumbnail": "", "title": "Espaços vetoriais" }, ... ]