
Create a mystery image

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Generate a mystery image from an image file.


A mystery image is composed of squares, numbered zero to ten. Each number matches a specific shape. Shapes

Drawing those shapes will reveal the subject of the image. A celebrity, a famous monument etc. It's up to you.

To run the package: clone the repo change the configuration in the config.json file. The parameters are:

  • "width_mm": float = desired dimension in mm
  • "height_mm": float = desired dimension in mm
  • "dpi": int = Dot Per Inch. It is the resolution of the image (how many pixel per inch). If you want to print it, 300 is advised
  • "image_path": str = the path of the image you want to transform
  • "grid_size_mm": float = the size of a square of the grid
  • "grid_color": str = color of the grid
  • "num_color": str = color of the numbers
  • "bw_threshold": int = threshold used to convert the image in black and white. The bigger, the more pixel will be converted to white
  • "border_color": str = color of the border
  • "border_thickness": int = thickness of the border, in px
  • "solution": boolean = weither generate the mystery image with shapes drawned or not. true or false, without quotes

With your python env in the folder of the config file, run: python -m mystery_image

Dependencies: Pillow, Imagehash, pytest, pytest-cov, black, flake8, six