ROS package that realises transfer of manipulation skills from known objects and situations to new, unseen objects and their setups.
This package is Developed and Tested on ROS Kinetic. At it's core, the system makes use of Giskard library for robot control:
The package consists of multiple ROS nodes that work collectively for achieving the desired effects. They communicate in roughly following manner:
[FeatureDetector] <--> [KnowledgeManager] <--> [TaskExecutive] --> [ConstraintController] --> <Actuators>
KnowledgeManager manages all specs needed for the task.
TaskExecutive is the main node that supervises the whole process and sends requests to all other nodes.
FeatureDetector finds desired object features (edge-point, ...)
ConstraintController uses Giskard internally, translates motion description files into desired joint velocities.
The whole process begins with KnowledgeManager reading task and setup YAML files. It decides what visual features are missing from the description and asks FeatureDetector for them. Once the specs are ready TaskExecutive asks for them and the moiton sequence begins. KnowledgeManager provides individual motion specs to the TaskExecutive previously combining them with appropriate motion template. Such prepared motion phase file is then sent to ConstraintController for execution. While that happens TaskExecutive observes the state of the robot and decides when to finish one phase and begin the next one according to the task specification file. When all motion phases are done the task is considered as finished.
There are configuration files that describe different levels of the system: motions, tasks, setups. All files are YAML.
robot template specifies the kinematic chain of a robot.
motion phase specifies motion in terms of constraints that should be satified.
tasks contains a sequence of motion phases and appropriate stop conditions as well as required visual features that should be resolved. Those elements toghether form a full task description.
setups specifies objects that take part in the task, callibrated grasp transformations and handcoded visual features.
- Scraping butter off a tool into a container
- Scooping a substance (e.g. grains) from a container
- Cutting an object on a flat object/surface
- Install ROS, then:
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src cd ~/catkin_ws catkin init cd src wstool init wstool merge wstool merge wstool merge wstool update rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths . cd .. catkin build source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
- Install Matlab executable from here:
Add edge_detector application directory to your PATH, so you can run it with only following command:
sudo edge_detector/edge_detector.install
Worlds with _v
prefix are for free end effectors simulation only, _p
for PR2 simulation.
Experiment launch file can be run for freely flying end effectors simulation (argument robot:=free_ees
) or simulated or real PR2 (robot:=pr2
Note: Perception programs (Matlab) take long time to complete, so to save time, this system saves perception results to cache files. If you want to re-run the whole process remember to delete cache files from info_cache
- Launch the Gazebo world and keep it running
roslaunch skill_transfer simulation.launch world:=scraping_b_big_bowl_b_spatula_v
- In a new terminal, launch the experiment
roslaunch skill_transfer experiment.launch task:=scraping robot:=free_ees setup:=b_big_bowl_b_spatula
- Launch PR2 simulator, keep it running
roslaunch skill_transfer pr2.launch
- Launch the Gazebo world, keep it running
roslaunch skill_transfer simulation.launch world:=big_bowl_spatula_p
- In a new terminal, launch the experiment.
roslaunch skill_transfer experiment.launch task:=scraping robot:=pr2 setup:=big_bowl_spatula
Prepare the robot.
Launch the experiment.
roslaunch skill_transfer experiment.launch task:=scraping robot:=pr2 setup:=big_bowl_spatula
To test if giskard works correctly with simulated PR2 use the following instructions.
roslaunch giskard_pr2 interactive_markers_demo.launch gazebo:=true trajectory_controller:=false
Note: When using simulated PR2 make sure that /use_sim_time
is set to true