
Generate email list depending on few arguments

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📝 EmailsGenerator

This node project generate email depending on few arguments :

- Your firstname
- Your lastname
- Seperators that could be added in prefix
- The domain you wish to linked to

😮 To use it 👌

The project use nodeJS, so make sure to install it before all. Then you can :

  1. Download the sources (or fork/clone the project) ;
  2. Execute in the NodeJS shell the command : "npm install" ;
  3. Then, you should be able to run the project with the command : "node index.js"

Notice the following parameters that you can provide :

- -f / --firstname   (default value : 'riri')
- -l / --lastname    (default value : 'fifi')
- -s / --separator   (default value : '!#$%&*+-/=?^_`{|}~')
- -d / --domain      (default value : 'gmail.com')

Example call :

node index.js -f Donald -l Trump -s .+_-  -d usa.org

Or, run it with default values :

npm start

Email list will be generated in a email.csv file in the following format :
