Animal Heartbeats

This website contains one application on the Animal Heartbeats.

Build Setup

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run start || npm start 

# Run all of our test suites
$ npm run test

# Run all linter of our linter CSS&JS
$ npm run lint

# Run our tests in TDD mode (reloading on file change etc.)
$ npm run tdd


This website is currently hosted on Netlify.

Branch and commit naming conventions

Adding a new feature ✨

Branch: add/{branch}
Commit: feat(Added): "message"

Updating an existing feature ✅

Branch: upd/{branch}
Commit: feat(Changed): "message"

Removing a feature or files 🔥

Branch: rm/{branch}
Commit: feat(Removed): "message"
