
Helper for loading sagas asynchronously using redux

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Helper for loading sagas asynchronously using redux with redux-reducers-injector.

Adding a new saga is then done with injectSaga at any time. You can also make them hot replacement module compatible thanks to the reloadSaga helper. 🎉


Install redux-sagas-injector via npm or yarn.

npm install --save redux-sagas-injector


yarn add redux-sagas-injector

Then with a module bundler like webpack that supports either CommonJS or ES2015 modules, use as you would anything else:

// using an ES6 transpiler, like babel
import {createInjectSagasStore} from './redux-sagas-injector';

// not using an ES6 transpiler
var createInjectSagasStore = require('redux-sagas-injector').createInjectSagasStore;

Use createInjectSagasStore instead of createStore or createInjectStore

You also need to use the sagaMiddleware from the lib. It is basically a createSagaMiddleware() from 'redux-saga'.

import {createInjectSagasStore, sagaMiddleware, reloadSaga} from './redux-sagas-injector';
import rootSaga from './sagas';
const enhancers = [

const store = createInjectSagasStore({'rootSaga': rootSaga}, rootReducer, initialState, compose(...enhancers));

// Hot reload sagas (requires Webpack or Browserify HMR to be enabled)
if (module.hot) {
    module.hot.accept('./sagas', () => {
        reloadSaga('rootSaga', require('./sagas').default);

Injecting a new saga

For any store created using redux-sagas-injector, simply use injectSaga to add a new saga.

import {injectSaga} from 'redux-sagas-injector';

injectSaga('my_saga', require('./path_to_my_saga').default);

Be careful when injecting a saga, every time you'll use it, it will add a new saga. A Saga is defined by a key (string) and a array of strings is persisted in the store. You cannot erase it or delete it. Reinjecting a saga with the same key will do nothing.

You should use injectSaga in complement with injectReducer for loading your js code asynchronously via routing.

Injecting sagas in bulk

You can add multiple sagas at once:

import {injectSagaBulk} from 'redux-sagas-injector';

const sagas = [
    {key: 'my_saga', saga: require('./path_to_my_saga').default},
    {key: 'my_other_saga.bar', saga: require('./path_to_my_other_saga').default},


Using the excellent react-universal-component library, you just have to write:

import universal from 'react-universal-component';
import {injectSaga, injectReducer} from 'redux-sagas-injector';

const MyComponent = universal(import(`./my_component`), {
        onLoad: (module, info, props, context) => {
            injectSaga('my-saga-key', module.saga, false, context.store);
            injectReducer('my-reducer-key', module.reducer, false, context.store);


import {injectSaga, reloadSaga, injectReducer, reloadReducer} from 'redux-sagas-injector';

export default {
   path: 'item(/:id)',
   getComponent(nextState, cb) {
       require.ensure([], (require) => {
           injectSaga('item', require('./sagas').default);
           injectReducer('item', require('./reducer').default);

           // Configure hot module replacement for the reducer
           if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
               if (module.hot) {
                   module.hot.accept('./reducer', () => {
                       reloadReducer('item', require('./reducer').default);
                   module.hot.accept('./sagas', () => {
                       reloadSaga('item', require('./sagas').default);

           cb(null, require('./components/layout').default);

⚠️ React Redux >= 6.0.0

From react-redux@6.0.0, there is a huge breaking change regarding the context store. After injecting the reducer, it will not be reflected in the mapStateToProps method of the connect method from redux. You need to decorate your connected component for explicitly updating the context store with the new injected reducer.
For this, you can use this HOC:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {ReactReduxContext} from 'react-redux';

export default function withInjectedReducers(WrappedComponent) {
  class WithInjectedReducers extends Component {
      constructor(...args) {
          this.firstRender = true;

      render() {
          if (this.firstRender) {
              this.firstRender = false;
              return (
                      {reduxContext => (
                                  storeState: reduxContext.store.getState(),
                              <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />
          return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />;

  return WithInjectedReducers;

Use it like:

import React from 'react';
import {connect} from 'redux';
import withInjectedReducers from './withInjectedReducers';

export reducer from './myReducerToInjectDynamically';
export saga from './mySagaToInjectDynamically';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const {title} = this.props;
  return <h1>{title}</h1>;

const mapStateToProps = state => {
  return {
      title: state.injectedReducer.title

export default withInjectedReducers(connect(mapStateToProps)(MyComponent));

This piece of code is not included in this project as it uses react and react-redux dependencies. Feel free to use it.

If you are using redux-sagas-injector with react-universal-component, the onLoad method will no more populate the context as the fourth parameter.
As explained above the context store is needed for avoiding issues in an SSR environment with concurrent calls.
You need to pass the context yourself:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import universal from 'react-universal-component';
import {injectReducer, injectSaga} from 'redux-sagas-injector';
import {ReactReduxContext} from 'react-redux';

class Universal extends Component {

  render() {
      const U = universal(import('./myComponent'), {
          onLoad: (module, info, {reduxcontext}) => {
              if (reduxcontext && reduxcontext.store) {
                  injectSaga('injectedSaga', module.saga, false, reduxcontext.store);
                  injectReducer('injectedReducer', module.reducer, false, reduxcontext.store);

      return (
              {reduxContext => <U reduxcontext={reduxContext} />}

export default Universal;

And if you have react-hot-loader installed or another HMR library, you need to add a little more abstraction:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import universal from 'react-universal-component';
import {injectReducer, injectSaga} from 'redux-sagas-injector';
import {ReactReduxContext} from 'react-redux';

class Universal extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
      this.firstRender = true;

  render() {
      const U = universal(import(`./myComponent`), {
          onLoad: (module, info, {reduxcontext}) => {
              if (reduxcontext && reduxcontext.store) {
                  injectSaga('injectedSaga', module.saga, false, reduxcontext.store);
                  injectReducer('injectedReducer', module.reducer, false, reduxcontext.store);                  

      if (this.firstRender) {
          this.firstRender = false;
          return (
                  {reduxContext => <U reduxcontext={reduxContext} />}

      return <U />;

export default Universal;

You are now ready to support react-redux@6.0.0 with the new Context API.