
Dynamic workflows allow users to specify the next participants within an agreement.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dynamic Workflow v1.1

Dynamic Workflow built on top of express using Adobe Sign API.

sign image


Dynamic workflows allow users to specify the next participants within an agreement.


This application is currently on version 1.1. There is a known issue that has been submitted to JIRA for participant groups. The feature is currently there, but the functionality has a bug. Once this issue is resolved, a patch will be issued out.


Features Description
Dynamic Routing Allows user to provide the next participant associated with the workflow.
Hide All Workflow w/ Predefined Recipients Allows the application to hide workflows with predefined recipients.
Hide Target Workflows w/ Predefined Recipients Specify which workflows you want to only hide predefined recipients.
CSS Theme Easily change the theme by adjusting CSS variables
Sender Input Fields Allow workflow sender input fields to be replicated over into the form.
Upload Documents Allow the sender to upload additional documents if enabled in workflow.
Recipient Groups Allows you to have the ability to dynamically route to recipient groups. As of version 1.1, this feature is blocked please see disclaimer.

Deployment Instructions

This is a server-side version of the Dynamic Workflow application. You must host and deploy this application for it to work. There are many methods of deploying an application. In this example, I will be deploying it to Digital Ocean. Feel free to choose whichever platform/services and use this documentation as a guideline.

Digital Ocean

  1. Click create and select droplet
  2. Choose an image. We will be going with Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS x64
  3. Choose a plan that best fits your business needs. For demo purposes, I will be choosing a Standard plan at $5/mo
  4. Select your preferred datacenter region
  5. Select any additional options
  6. Choose an SSH for the authentication method
  7. Create an SSH key for your droplet
  8. Choose a hostname
  9. Click create droplet
  10. SSH into your server


# Refresh your local package index with the following command
sudo apt update

# Install Node.js from repositories
sudo apt install nodejs

# Install node packaging manager
sudo apt install npm

Importing Source File

There are two options to import your source file. Git or FTP.

  1. Git: In the appropriate dir, execute git clone {url_to_repo}
  2. FTP: You can use whichever tool you prefer tool, like Cyberduck.

Install Dependencies

You will need to install all dependencies associated with this application

cd dynamic-workflow
npm install

Dev Server w/ nodemon

Use nodemon as a dev node on production. We will use pm2 as our process manager

npm install -g nodemon
npm start dev # Use only for development

Default port 80

To run application on default port 80 install lib2cap-bin

sudo apt-get install lib2cap-bin
sudo setcap cap/net/bind/service=+ep `readlink -f \`which node\``

Prod Node w/ pm2

pm2 is a tool for running production node servers. Install pm2 to and run application in the background

sudo npm install pm2@latest -g

# Run production server
pm2 start ~/dynamic-workflow/server.js

# Run server on system reboot
pm2 startup systemd


There is a sample configuration file, config/config.sample.yaml, that needs to be copied to config/config.yaml and modified for your environment.

There are three main components within the configuration file.


  • host: The host address to your Sign Console.
  • endpoint: This is the API endpoint


  • integration: This is your integration key for Adobe Sign. Please see the integration key section.


  • hide_predefined: This turns on the feature to hide predefined recipients in your workflow.
    • yes: Turn on
    • no: Turn off
  • hide_workflow_list: A list to target specific workflows to hide predefined recipients.

Integration Key

You will be required to create an integration key with limited scopes for this application and add the integration key inside the config.yaml file. Click Me

integration key


Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.