API Server with Symfony

The aim of this repo is to provide a skelton made with symfony 6.4 and Lexik JWTAuthenticationBundle


clone this repo.

The main branch is a simple symfony repository with no dependencies.

The install branch has dependencies installed

The entities branch has datas for tests (books, authors and users). Fixtures are presents.

First start with install or entities branch. Run composer install to install dependencies.

Then, you have to create keys for JWT generation : php bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair

Then start server with symfony server:start

In entities branch, all routes are unprotected.

if you want to test JWT generation then run an API tester like Bruno or PostMan and POST to this adress : https://localhost:8000/api/login_check with this JSON in body :

  "username": "admin@example.com", 
  "password": "password"

The API will return your token