What is ModelsKit Database

The aim of this project is to have a multi users management tool for managing plastik models kits.

The original project is developped with React and Node, this one is full PHP but is the same.


Fixed Bugs

  • Entities
  • Recovery Password
  • Fix bug display kits

new Features

  • More documented files
  • User can rate models
  • Models are sorted in finished stock display
  • User can display only liked models
  • Orders are sorted
  • User can see orders made from a provider


Fixed Bugs:

  • specials chars in model name are not used to make picture filename.

  • Fixed bug on display portrayed picture

New Features

Models Page :

  • Search kit by reference

  • Display kits count in DataBase

  • Contact owners of a kit (by mail)

  • Display kits ordered by most recently added

Parameters Page :

  • Moderator can update or delete infos

User Stock :

  • User can sort models by differents cretiria

  • User can delete a finished model

Profil Page :

  • If provider name is URL, a link is generated to the URL.


New Features

Admin : upgrade DB following version in admin panel.

Social network and finished model : Modeler can answer to friends messages.

Parameters : Add a scale converter

My Profil : export your datas in CSV file.

My Stock : transfer models states from all pages.

User : personnal pictures are converted to webp



List of Models : You can add new models, countries, builders, kits brands, scale, etc... in order to have a list of all models on the market.

Your account : You can modify your datas, avatar. You can also manage your providers, yours orders. When adding an order, the model will automatically be added to your stock. You can also see statistics of your stock.

Social network : you can see others users (if they allow to be seen), use messages to talk with them and see they're finished models. You can also let a message on their builds, and see the messages they let on your own.

Your stock : You can manage your models' kit stock (liked, ordered, on shell, on workbench or finished). You have also a random kit chooser. For finished kits, you can upload up to 4 pictures.


Copy all files in the www directory of your web server (which must be apache in order to work well).

Copy config.xml.sample or rename it config.xml and fill it with your infos (DB credentials, email).

Then, go to {yourSite}/init to initialize database and create admin account. If all is right, then you can use the site.

Update from older version

Upload files in your server. Log as admin and go to panel admin. Update database with v1.4 file, then V1.5 file.