- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
Is it compatible with react table 7?
#89 opened by curiousPup - 0
- 0
independent scrolls inside fixed width columns
#88 opened by vtarelkin - 6
build error
#57 opened by joesalloum - 0
Type compatibility issues with ColumnFixed, Column type from react-table and Typescript
#80 opened by jfarribillaga - 0
fixed header is not compatible with fixed columns
#79 opened by ksiatka - 1
Cell Background
#77 opened by SabrinaDanielle - 1
Jest test fails when we use withFixedColumnsScrollEvent instead of withFixedColumns
#76 opened by rs-afrize - 0
Scroll Down is having error in Version 2.3.3
#75 opened by aaronleechan - 1
Table gets refreshed and comes back to first page whenever there is any data change (in line edit of rows)
#72 opened by nitishnivedan - 4
- 1
How to use with `useTable` hook?
#70 opened by giopetris - 9
fixed column resize bug
#65 opened by vtarelkin - 2
fixed columns cant scrolled
#60 opened by indrakurniawaw - 1
z-index of rthfc-th-fixed should be at least 11
#67 opened by CRGavrila - 6
#58 opened by markwoon - 2
- 3
- 1
could not change border style for fixed columns
#63 opened by vtarelkin - 1
Bugs with react-table v7.1.0
#62 opened by nixjs - 6
Column header not fixed on Edge
#14 opened by alcbotta - 10
React-Table 7 Support
#53 opened by gainsboroughtech - 4
`fixed: left` with 2 columns fails in v2+
#59 opened by markwoon - 11
Enhancement: Typescript support
#15 opened by omkar-joshi - 11
HOC broken by react-table issue #1686
#54 opened by joshsylvester - 7
React hooks version!
#31 opened by leonidkuznetsov18 - 7
Cannot read property 'column' of undefined
#52 opened by vamsi466 - 4
I am getting list of error in console.
#51 opened by Nekores-zz - 3
Are there props for min/max width?
#25 opened by pstephenwille - 3
getTrProps does not work
#37 opened by alexanderwhatley - 2
ReactTableDefaults not applying
#39 opened by Gibbo3771 - 1
fixed columns and pivotBy
#41 opened by Ramzib2 - 2
- 3
- 7
React table filter overlaps on First row.
#33 opened by sagarjpawar - 0
- 1
- 4
Possible to configure border styles?
#19 opened by irace - 3
Broken cell widths after resizing
#28 opened by MartinYW - 2
- 1
Update innerRef type
#26 opened by ivanbtrujillo - 2
Can not add custom class for Table component
#24 opened by 1silversnow1 - 1
- 3
If the last column in a fixed group is hidden, fixed section border is not shown.
#21 opened by tgoyer - 2
important styles
#16 opened by serhiiZv - 1