Open a shell into the code/ directory - you should find here 4 source folders, one inputFiles folder and a pom.xml
Type and execute the "maven clean package" command - it you should print "maven build success"
Copy the following files into your apache-servicemix/deploy folder:
- AllHailBeer/target/beerShop-1.0.jar
- Biko/target/ws-biko-1.0.jar
- VolleyOnTheBeack/target/volley-1.0.jar
- Shop3000/target/Shop3000-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Start servicemix if not already started
The project is ready to be demonstrated! :-)
You can now import the soapui project into Soapui and execute the demonstration scenarios but if you want to try it yourself, here's an example demonstration scenario for you:
First, register a new client by sending the following HTTP request:
- method: POST
- URI: localhost:8181/shop3000/clientFile
- request body: {"firstName": "Joey", "lastName": "Starr"}
The response status and body should be "200 OK" and "Client added to database".
Now, get Shop 3000's catalog:
- method: GET
- URI: localhost:8181/shop3000/catalog
The response status and should be "200 OK" and a JSON list of JSON objects representing items like the following one:
Time to add these wonderful products from different brands to the new client's cart! Execute the two next HTTP requests:
- method: PUT
- URI: localhost:8181/shop3000/Joey/cart
- request body: {"price":100.0,"name":"bike2","description":{"color":"blue","idBiko":133456789}}
- method: PUT
- URI: localhost:8181/shop3000/Joey/cart
- request body: {"name":"net","price":9.5,"description":{"color":"BLUE"}}
For both requests, the HTTP response status should be 200.
Everything has a price! You have to send Joey's payment information in order to buy these products:
- method: POST
- URI: localhost:8181/shop3000/Joey/payment
- request body: {"cardNumber": "1111222233334444", "expirationDate":"01/99", "securityCode":"456", "address":"Saint-Denis"}
The response may be "200 Payment accepted" or "400 Payment refused" whether the payment was successful or not.
Congratulations! You just ordered items in two different shops through a single interface!