
Rss and atom news reader for pocketbook. Tested on Inkpad 2 and Inkpad 3.


Rss reader for pocketbook.


Copy PBSimpleNewsFeed.app into ./applications folder.


  • Read OPML file : ./Dropbox PocketBook/subscriptions.opml


  • Supports Rss and Atom feeds
  • Allows to download associated link and read it in a reader-mode integrated browser
  • Allows to display by folders or by last entries (based on current path)


  • Home : quit the application and return to pocketbook home.
  • Sync : sync current path and all children.
  • Sync All : sync all feeds
  • DLRM : Download ReaderMode. This will download associated html page of each news entry to allow offline reading. Works for current path and children. You have to sync first.
  • Settings : show app settings.
  • Back : go to parent folder.


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