Service Worker tutorial

This project is an example on how to realize a Service Worker with the following features:

  • Cache files at the installation of your Service Worker.
  • Cache & update all files you download.
  • Web push notifications with push API.


In this directory there is four files.


It's the file to install the Service Worker so you have to include it in HTML files and rewrite the correct path and filename of your Service Worker.

See the TODO comment line 3 in this file.


It's the file to make a simple CACHE in order to access at your application without connection.

Add your file you want to Cache

See the TODO comment line 16 in this file.


It's the file to make : 1. Cache & update in order to access at your application without connection. 2. Web push notifications in order to receive notifications at any time.


If you want to use Web Notifications with a VAPID KEY encryption (this file is linked with service-worker2.js)

You have to put in your HTML files and rewrite the correct URL of your web push server.

See the TODO comment line 3 in this file.

But also update the JQuery UI function which manage a notification button subscription for client in your HTML files.


This directory is a Express Web Push server example. You have to use it if you want Web Push Notification

📦 Configuration


It's the file wich define all constant you have to update mongoDB's URL

See the TODO comment line 7 in this file.

📦 Installation

Make sure you have NodeJS installed on your machine.

npm i
// and
npm start

🔈 Send notifications

Open an application wich send API requests like: postman. And send a post request with:

Content-Type: application/json

And in body request:

    "title": "It's test notifications",
    "body": "You have received a push message",
    "tag": "video",
    "icon": "/images/favicon/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png",
    "data": {
      "url": ""

Regenerate VAPID KEY

If you want to regenerate encryption Key just run the following command.

npm run generate

Then, update the config/constans.js files copy-paste key enable in config/private.key and config/public.key.

📺 Tutorials

This repo is in relation with the following videos wich explain Service Worker:

Tutorial's Slides