
Log inputs status on a Raspberry Pi and if change value send mesagge to telegram. Its been verified to work with a raspberry pi with simple 13 inputs module (Included in PCB folder). By changing the inputs_pins_message.yml file and making a corresponding GPIO inputs relation.



  • Raspberry Pi B+
  • 13 inputs module (Included in PCB folder) or other module DIY


  • Raspbian or dietpi
  • Python 3.4 and PIP3
  • RPi.GPIO


Install Digital-Inputs-Logger-Pi-Telegram:

  • Download and install from Github and install pip3

    $ sudo apt-get install git
    $ git clone
    $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  • Run setup script (must be executed as root (sudo) if the application needs to be started from rc.local, see below)

    $ cd Digital-Inputs-Logger-Pi-Telegram
    $ sudo python3 install
  • Make script file executable

    $ chmod 777
  • Edit inputs_pins_message.yml to match your configuration and to add bot token and chat_id

  • Test the configuration by running:

    ./ --help # Shows you all available parameters

    If the error appears:

     /usr/bin/env: ‘python3\r’: No such file or directory

    Use dos2unix to fix it.

     $ sudo apt install dos2unix
     $ dos2unix /PATH/TO/YOUR/FILE
  • To run the python script at system startup. Add to following lines to the end of /etc/rc.local but before exit:

    # Start Inputs Logger
    /home/pi/Digital-Inputs-Logger-Pi-Telegram/ > /var/log/inputs-logger-telegram.log &

    Log with potential errors are found in /var/log/inputs-logger-telegram.log