
My dotfiles, managed by chezmoi

Primary LanguageLua

Guirec Lefort's dotfiles

This repository contains all my dotfiles, managed by chezmoi.

Software I use


Command line


Set up a new MacOS installation

  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Install chezmoi and 1Password : brew install chezmoi && brew install --cask 1password
  3. Set up 1password for SSH and Git
  4. Init chezmoi with this dotfiles repository: chezmoi init git@github.com:Guirec/dotfiles.git
  5. Apply dotfiles to the right places with chezmoi: chezmoi apply
  6. Install apps available with Homebrew: brew bundle install --file=~/.config/brewfile/Brewfile
  7. Set fish as default shell with homebrew path: /opt/homebrew/bin/fish
  8. Install App Store and Setapp apps
  9. Set MacOS settings and others applications with no dotfiles