
A Gmail-like user notification plugin for jQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery gStatus Plugin

Requires jQuery v1.3.2 or later


Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html


Include the plugin on your page after jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/jquery.gstatus.js"></script>

Create a placeholder div on your page:

<div id="foo"></div>

Initialize the plugin:


Call one of the public methods:

$('#foo').gStatus('show');		// Show status with default options

$('#foo').gStatus('hide');		// Hide status with default options

$('#foo').gStatus('update');	// Update status with default options

Include an optional options object:

$('#foo').gStatus('show', {
	message:	'Hello',		// Custom message
	duration:	5000			// In ms; display for 5 seconds before hiding

$('#foo').gStatus('hide', {
	duration:	5000			// In ms; wait 5 seconds, then hide

$('#foo').gStatus('update', {
	css:		{ 'font-size': 14px },			// Custom CSS applied to container div
	spanCSS:	{ 'background-color': 'red' }	// Custom CSS applied to inner span


$.fn.gStatus.defaults = {
	autoOpen:		false,
	css:			{
		position:		'fixed',
		'font-size':	'1.1em',
		'text-align':	'center',
		top:			'0',
		width:			'100%',
		'z-index':		'9999'
	duration:		0,
	hideOnClick:	true,
	message:		'Loading ...',
	spanCSS:		{
		'border-radius':		'0 0 5px 5px',
		'-moz-border-radius':	'0 0 5px 5px',
		background:				'#ffa',
		display:				'inline-block',
		padding:				'0.3em 1em',
		'font-weight':			'bold'


	* First release


Email me at floodle@floodle.org