
A web application trying to imitate the native app of Chinese version YELP '饿了么', developed by VUE.js

Primary LanguageVue


A front-end single page mobile web app that immitating the native app of Chinese version Yelp -- '饿了吗' ,developed using VUE.js. Referencing the code by ustbhuangyi.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev


This front-end app was developed referencing the code by ustbhuangyi. Without using any 3rd party UI components, this app was implemented with all self-developed components. This project focuses on UI develop including animation, responsive layout, css building, and pages' logic development. Things like login or other data/network related tasks is not considered.


Goods page:

  • Scrolling items, linkage scrolling with goods types on the left.
  • Adding goods to carts
  • Counting price, update front-end components relatively
  • Animation of rolling '+', '-'
  • Sellers' detail page, transition animation from goods page to it
  • Rating stars component


Large efforts are dedicated to layourts, good practice to get familiar with css responsive development. All layouts are implemented with Stylus.