
🎯This project is a simple todo list application. Users can list, update, delete, and search for tasks.

Primary LanguageKotlin


This project is a simple todo list application. Users can list, update, delete, and search for tasks.

Technologies Used

  • Kotlin: Used as the primary programming language for the application.
  • ViewModel: Used to manage UI data. Acts as an intermediary between the UI and the data, ensuring that the data is displayed correctly.
  • LiveData: Automatically updates certain parts of the application using the Observer design pattern.
  • Room Database: Used for database operations.
  • Navigation Component: Used for in-app navigation and fragment management.
  • Hilt: Used for dependency injection. Manages and injects dependencies used throughout the application.
  • MVVM: Model-View-ViewModel architecture is used. This architecture ensures a clear separation between database operations (Model), user interface (View), and business logic (ViewModel).

How to Run

  1. Clone this repository locally:
  1. Open Android Studio and import the project.

  2. The project should automatically run when opened. If it doesn't, rebuild the project and run the application.




Feel free to contribute to this project! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.