BlogAPI Project Users are abler to create an account authorize with schema. User can also post delete create posts via ID. User receives custom token. Hash protected password incorporated. Specific email and password required. TECH STACK Server: Node, Express Database: MongoDB Tools: MongoDB , Moongoose ENV VARIABLES SALT SECRET_KEY PORT= Schemas USER SCHEMA - username: string, required - email: string, required - birthday: date, required - age: number - password: string, required BLOG SCHEMA - created_by: string, required - created_at: date, required - blog_title: string, required - blog_content: string, required - private: boolean, required MIDDLEWARE Verify Token and Validations Requires specific password access to blogs ROUTES ENDPOINTS AUTH('/auth') Authorization or user/blog BLOG('/blogs') creates posts CRUD USERS('/users') Creates user CRUD RUN LOCALLY Git Clone gh repo clone GullahGeechee/BlogAPI Install dependencies - cd blopAPI Install dependencies npm init -y npm i: dotenv bcrypt express helmet jsonwebtoken mongoose morgan