
Course Resource Sharing System - A Subsystem Of The Education Information Management System by Syntax Error

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Syntax Error小组

Course Resource Sharing Subsystem

The subsystem is responsible for two functions. Firstly, it shares and utilizes course resources between teachers and students. Secondly, it allows students to upload their homeworks and laboratory reports.

  • Resource sharing: Teachers and students can upload any resources associated with the course such as courseware, exercise material. They can also download any resources from the system.

  • Homework assignment and submission: Teachers can publish the homework information and set a deadline for the homework. Students should upload their homeworks or laboratory reports before the deadline.

  •   Resource management: with the growth of course resource, the administrator will have large amount of resources. In order to manage them, the administrator can put the resources that have been downloaded by most users in a visible place.

  • Resource retrieval: provide a search function for the users to retrieval resources.


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