
repo for Bluetooth Low Energy Research [Security]

Primary LanguagePython


Abstract Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is one of the most used wireless communication protocols supported by nearly all modern operating systems. BLE has been an integral part of smart home, health sectors and personal wearable devices. With the increasing significance of Bluetoothembedded systems, it is vital to identify potential security vulnerabilities in Bluetooth-connected devices. Since the data transferred over these connectionsmight be sensitive, users are vulnerable to privacy attacks through their wearable devices, wireless mouse, smart locks, smartwatches, wireless headphones, etc. This study attempts to analyze the security of BLE pairings, specifically focusing on the pairings for Human Interface devices like BLE-enabled mouse. The experimental setup exploits Bluetooth USB dongles and Ubertooth One, an open-source 2.4 GHz wireless development platformused formaking Bluetooth experimentations.