- 0
Documentation wrong for "debugMode" init
#258 opened by subimage - 0
- 1
- 2
HTTPS error visiting
#273 opened by stuaxo - 1
Form fieldset left padding
#271 opened by ruslandzhumaev - 1
Is the website down?
#272 opened by cht8687 - 1
#268 opened by huberd - 0
Vertical alignment with valign appears to be broken
#264 opened by Toddses - 1
mobile nav not working in firefox osx
#254 opened by squaremunkey - 0
Tooltips and field
#263 opened by GrandSam - 1
obsolete (?) rule in _grid.scss (%zero-margin-left )
#208 opened by esszett - 10
Icons not rendering correctly in Windows 8
#210 opened by chambaz - 2
Modular implementation of icon fonts
#245 opened by mellatone - 1
Rounded button in demo not round.
#249 opened by borisaka - 2
- 1
- 5
update modular scale
#256 opened by unHuesio - 4
Syntax error: Incompatible units: 'px' and 'em'.
#219 opened by ChapDaddy65 - 1
Modular Scale issue
#255 opened by jtiptoni1 - 4
Why there's no gem for Rails ?
#228 opened by ahmadseleem - 1
Dynamically add tabs - issue
#238 opened by hopesourav - 2
Checkboxes not working
#226 opened by raduchiriac - 3
IE8 throws JS error on Gumby 2.6 Official Site
#223 opened by iso100 - 0
Input Border Bottom Cut Off
#253 opened by tomarrell - 0
Fancy select (picker) and append
#252 opened by Bekt - 0
How to Validate two form in same page?
#250 opened by davidartal - 6
- 0
Download only parallax option
#241 opened by AxelBriche - 0
Multiple sidebar-nav instances
#235 opened by jeffdran - 0
Can't compile gumby.scss, driving me insane!
#234 opened by torncheesecake - 0
Turn Off Responsiveness in Gumby Framework
#233 opened by sudheer-ranga - 0
Compile Error
#231 opened by hamidyfine - 0
Form field text-align
#230 opened by chip - 0
Create a sprite image
#229 opened by angvishvish - 1
#218 opened - 0
Claymate build error?
#225 opened by mashcode - 0
Fancy Tiles Not Clearing
#224 opened - 1
Mobile menu not working when height changed
#222 opened - 0
Manually trigger skiplinks
#220 opened by matthewatdf - 0
Combobox width to column container?
#216 opened by x88 - 0
- 0
Multiple inputs wont work with validation plugin
#214 opened by jacobnijgh - 0
Gumby overrides HTML5 hidden attribute
#213 opened by josiah14 - 0
Validation field styles breaks with label
#212 opened by rtablada - 5
Youtube in Modal
#206 opened by Thompsen13 - 14
Mobile Nav Menu shinks before can listen to event: Android Kitkat
#201 opened by daveo1001 - 2
Fancy selects incorrect drawn in Firefox 27
#207 opened by x88 - 2
Modal not working in IE7 to IE11
#209 opened by bbongsurf - 1
Incorrect fonts loading
#200 opened by x88 - 7
Icons isn't working
#202 opened by x88