Mars' goal is to standardize and facilitate the creation of minecraft plugin, for example you can create a simple inventory with all online players just by doing:
Player p;
GUIPagination playersInv = Mars.inventory.CreateGUIPlayers("Player list title", playerSelect -> p.sendMessage(playerSelected.getName() + " selected");;
First, add Mars' repository into pom.xml
Then, add Mars' dependency too:
First, add Mars' repository into build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
name = 'mars'
url = ''
Then, add Mars' dependency too:
dependencies {
compile 'dev.gump:mars:1.0-SNAPSHOT'
(i don't know if this is right, i don't use Gradle :P)
To get started we need to start Mars and declare your intention with Mars.init(plugin)
, when you start Mars will register all intents events:
public final class Test extends JavaPlugin{
public void onEnable() {
//'this' need be your plugin main class
//'Intent.ALL' active all modules
Mars.init(this, Intent.ALL);
List of all intents:
(you can start Mars like this: Mars.init(this, Intent.CHAT, Intent.ITEMS)
If you wanna learn more Click here to see documentation
- Why you created that? Cuz is so boring to create an Item with a custom name in Bukkit, it's more than 4 lines, and I'm lazy
- I Found a BUG! Click here and open an issue
- Can I help with the project? Sure! just send your PR :D
- Can I contact you? Yep, send email to
Thanks to Dean Bassett for SkullCreator
and thanks to PNGWing for M from Mars' logo