src2pkg-ng Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Gilbert Ashley <> Copyright (C) 2009 Timothy Goya <> src2pkg-ng is a complete experimental redesign of the src2pkg package creation tool. The the primary difference in src2pkg-ng is the new scripting API. This new API follows the same general process as the old one, but is more explicit, transparent, and flexible. src2pkg-ng is unstable and not suitable for daily use. Those using src2pkg-ng must be fully prepared for the possibility that it may kill puppies. The scripting API may change drastically at any time. src2pkg-ng supports fewer build systems and sandboxing methods than src2pkg. The src2pkg-ng executable behaves like a command interpreter. This command interpreter does not yet support an interactive mode. It cannot automatically create a package from a tarball, you must use a src2pkg-ng script. See the SCRIPTING_API file for details on the fuctions you can use in a src2pkg-ng script. In order to get vim to do pretty bash syntax coloring for src2pkg-ng scripts, add these two lines to your .vimrc: au BufEnter *.src2pkg-ng let is_bash=1 au BufEnter *.src2pkg-ng set ft=sh