Directed Graph Editor

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This is a tool to create directed graphs using a visual editor and a json editor.

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  1. Install prerequisites:
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Run npm install to install dependencies
  4. Run npm start to start the development server.

How to use

Visit the demo site to try it out.

  • Move Node
    • Select a node and move it to where you want it
  • Delete Node
    • Select a node and press backspace or delete
  • Add Node
    • Hold shift and click where you want to create the node.
    • Press the "Add Node" button. New node will be created at the coordinates (0,0).
  • Add Edge
    • Hold shift and drag the edge from one node to another.
    • OR Press the "Add Edge" button when a Node is selected. It will create an edge from the selected node to the latest added node.
  • Change Text / Type
    • Use the JSON Editor to change these properties.

Supported Node Types:

  • start
  • empty
  • end

Changes from the JSON editor will be applied to the ui editor and vice versa.

Screenshot DGE

Known Issues

  • Selecting an Edge is only possible if you click directly on the center of the arrow.


Contributions are welcome. To do so:

  • Fork the repo
  • Make your change
  • Create a PR into the master of this repo