
Simple Text Classfication using SVM and Naive Bayes

Primary LanguagePython

Text Classification

This is an easy to understand script for 'Text Classfication' using SVM and Naive Bayes.

The input file is also uploaded - corpus.csv

Refer medium link for detailed explanation https://medium.com/@bedigunjit/simple-guide-to-text-classification-nlp-using-svm-and-naive-bayes-with-python-421db3a72d34

Version 2:

For people facing challenges in using the models to inference on unseen data. I have adapted the code into two modules - training.py and inference.py.

Below is a short description of them.

training.py - This will train a model on your data and save the trained LabelEncoder, TFIDF Vector and the model itself on disk. inference.py - This will load these saved files on the disk and do prediction on unseen text.

Feel free to play with them and adapt them further as per your requirements.