
Tiny header only C unit testing framework

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


(Atto = 10^-18)

A tiny (~100 lines), easy to use, header only unit testing framework for C.

Originally created to test my Intel 8080 emulator, AttoUnit was created with three main goals in mind:

  • Be incredibly quick and easy to set up
  • Output test failures verbosely such that they can be quickly debugged
  • Minimize boilerplate


Just include attounit.h in all your test source files and you're good to go.

Note that AttoUnit requires a compiler that supports GNU C extensions.


AttoUnit separates test code into test suites, each of which is contained in one source file. At the top of your source file should be the macro TEST_SUITE, which takes exactly one argument, the name of the test suite. This can be any valid C identifier.

Following TEST_SUITE, should be two macros, BEFORE_EACH and AFTER_EACH. Like most other testing frameworks, these let you define a block of code to be run before and after each test case. Note that due to limitations of C macros, these have to be present in each test suite source file, even if they contain no code.

Following this, are one or more TEST_CASE macros, each taking one argument, the name of the test (again this can be any valid C identifier). Within each test case, you can use any of the assertion macros AttoUnit provides you (see below).

The macro TEST_MAIN() must appear exactly once in your code. This expands to an entry point for your testing binary containing code that automatically runs all defined test cases.

Here's an example of how you would use AttoUnit to test the strtol standard library function:

#include "attounit.h"
#include <stdlib.h>


TEST_CASE(strtol_parses_integer) {
  char *num = "123";
  long res = strtol(num, NULL, 10);
  ASSERT_EQUAL(res, 123);

TEST_CASE(strtol_parses_integer_with_leading_space) {
  char *num = "     123";
  long res = strtol(num, NULL, 10);
  ASSERT_EQUAL(res, 123);


If both these tests were to fail, AttoUnit would output something like the following:

✗ Assertion failed at strtol_test.c:11 (test/strtol_parses_integer)
	res == 123
	Expected 0 to equal 123
✗ Assertion failed at strtol_test.c:17 (test/strtol_parses_integer_with_leading_space)
	res == 0
	Expected 5 to equal 0
✗ 2 assertions failed

Assertion Macros

AttoUnit provides the following assertion macros:

  • ASSERT_TRUE(val)
    • Assert that val is true (ie. not 0)
    • Assert that val is false (ie. 0)
  • ASSERT_NULL(val)
    • Assert that the given value is equal to NULL
    • Assert that val is not equal to NULL
  • ASSERT_EQUAL(a, b) / ASSERT_EQUAL_FMT(a, b, fmt)
    • Assert that a is equal to b using the == operator
    • Assert that a is not equal to b using the != operator
    • Assert that a is greater than b using the > operator
  • ASSERT_LESS(a, b) / ASSERT_LESS_FMT(a, b, fmt)
    • Assert that a is less than b using the < operator

Note that when outputting a failure, values are by default output as signed integers using the %d format specifier to printf. If you want to print failures in another format (eg. when comparing 2 float values), use the assertion macro of the same name with the _FMT postfix. These macros take a third parameter that will let you provide a format specifier. For example:

float f1 = 0.5;
float f2 = 2.5;

will output:

✗ Assertion failed at float_test.c:12 (floats/floats_equal)
	f1 > f2
	Expected 0.500000 to be greater than 2.500000
✗ 1 assertions failed


MIT © Rhys Rustad-Elliott