
Intended as a suite of tools to assist the Fuel Rats during rescues.

Primary LanguagePython

Fuel Rat Helper

HexChat Plugin

This plugin listens for ratsignals from MechaSqueak, parsing the data accordingly and copying the system name to the clipboard. (As far as I know, this will only work on Windows.)

The script can be configured to only trigger alerts for cases on a given platform and game version (Horizons or Odyssey). It is possible to configure the format of the case data to be copied to the clipboard.


Run the install script with python install.py. This will ensure the correct files are installed under the HexChat addons folder.


The requested info (by default, the system name) should be copied to the clipboard automatically whenever MechaSqeak fires up the ratsignal. There are a couple of commands which control the behaviour of the plugin:

/fr_log <'true'/'false'>: Enable or disable FuelRat helper logging.

/fr_clip <'format'>: Specify format of clipped string (none to disable)\nc=casenum, s=systemname, n=clientname

/fr_platform <'ALL'/'PC'/'XB'/'PS4'>: Set platform for alerts."

/fr_sound <path>: Set the file to use as an alert tone."

/fr_game_version <'ALL'/'HORIZONS'/'ODYSSEY'/'LEGACY'>: Set which game version for which cases should trigger alerts. (Only relevant for PC platform.)"


Logging can be enabled if you want to keep records of all the lines sent by MechaSqueak. The lines will be appended to a file at '%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\ratirc.log'.

Clipboard Formats

The /fr_clip command is used to specify the format in which the case data is copied to the system clipboard. At present, the case number, system name, and client name can be included. The elements will be separated by a '|' character.

For example, if the format is 's' output will only include the system name. (e.g., 'Sol'). More information may be required by a third-party tool such as a custom VoiceAttack command. In this case, the format may combine the data. The format 'nsc' will output the case number, system name, and client name. (e.g., '2|Sol|Guntereno'.)