
Some tools to assist with scraping metadata for rom collections using thegamedb.net

Primary LanguagePython



After using Steven Selphs fantastic scraping tool (https://github.com/sselph/scraper) I found that it missed a lot of my roms and that some manual intervention was required. This repository contains scripts used to manipulate and scrape metadata afterwards.


  • Python 3
  • Pillow


The scrape_missing.py tool is designed to automate the process of scraping data for roms which aren't in the gamelist.xml while querying for user input when required.

For each rom in your rompath (which isn't already in the gamelist) the user is shown a list of search results based on the roms filename. These can be selected by typing the displayed index. If the results don't contain the correct game then the id can be entered manually by entering 'i'. If you don't want to take an action for the current rom you can enter 's' to skip it.


scrape-missing.py -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -r <rompath> -m <imagepath> -p <platform>

  • inputfile: The input gamelist xml file.
  • outputfile: The resulting gamelist xml to be created. (Can be the same as inputfile.)
  • rompath: The path to the roms to scrape data for.
  • imagepath: The path containing the cover art images.
  • platform: The platform as used in thegamesdb.net database.