
Self-Convolution (ICASSP2021+TIP2021), Matlab implementation

Primary LanguageMATLAB



Self-Convolution is a self-supervised and highly-efficient image operator that exploits non-local similarity. Self-Convolution can generalize many commonly-used non-local schemes, including block matching and non-local means.


This repo contains the Matlab code package of Self-Convolution which focuses on equivalent implementation of block matching, which includes 2D-patch and 3D-patch versions of Self-Convolution (dimension of the reference image patch). For each version, we provide a demo to show Self-Convolution can speed up the non-local denoising algorithm. To be specific, SAIST as an example method relying on 2D patches, and our proposed multi-modality image denoising method Self-MM as example of 3D patch.

The Self-Convolution functions can be plugged in any block matching based image restoration method, just follow the similar usage steps.


  • 2D Patch

Example method: SAIST


  1. replace Block_matching.m function with our self_convolution_2d.m function (2d here refers to the two-dimensional search window)

  2. run Denoising_Main.m (a gray-scale image denoising demo)

  • 3D Patch

Example method: Self-MM

Usage: run demo_rgbnir_denoising.m (a RGB-NIR image denoising demo)

Experimental Results

Runtime (in seconds) comparisons of non-local algorithms using BM and Self-Convolution, for denoising 512 * 512 single-channel images (first 7 rows) and 256 * 256 * q multi-channel images (last 3 rows), where BMtime% denotes the runtime portion of BM.

Method Original Runtime Self-Conv Runtime BMtime% Original BM Self-Conv Speed-Ups
SAIST 708.2 562.2 32.0% 227.0 78.6 3X
WNNM 63.2 43.8 36.9% 23.3 7.8 3X
STROLLR 87.7 68.9 36.7% 38.2 13.3 3X
GHP 412.6 218.3 69.9% 288.6 94.2 3X
NCSR 134.7 82.4 57.1% 76.9 28.1 3X
PGPD 305.2 89.6 85.3% 260.3 41.3 6X
RRC 601.2 505.6 26.9% 161.8 74.2 2X
MCWNNM 2899.0 2371.3 15.8% 458.6 61.6 8X
SALT 375.9 113.8 75.4% 294.8 33.2 9X
Self-MM 139.0 44.3 78.8% 109.5 16.3 7X

All the experiments are carried out in the Matlab (R2019b) environmentrunning on a PC with Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10920K CPU 3.50GHz.


Paper available here. Long Journal Version preprint.

In case of use, please cite our publication:

L. Guo, Z. Zha, S. Ravishankar and B. Wen, "Self-Convolution: A Highly-Efficient Operator for Non-Local Image Restoration," ICASSP 2021.


  author={Guo, Lanqing and Zha, Zhiyuan and Ravishankar, Saiprasad and Wen, Bihan},
  booktitle={ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, 
  title={Self-Convolution: A Highly-Efficient Operator for Non-Local Image Restoration}, 
  title={Exploiting Non-Local Priors via Self-Convolution For Highly-Efficient Image Restoration},
  author={Guo, Lanqing and Zha, Zhiyuan and Ravishankar, Saiprasad and Wen, Bihan},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},