code and data for paper "BASHEXPLAINER: Retrieval-Augmented Bash Code Comment Generation based on Fine-tuned CodeBERT", which accept in ICSME 2022

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Code For "BASHEXPLAINER: Retrieval-Augmented Bash Code Comment Generation based on Fine-tuned CodeBERT"


Ⅰ DataSet

  1. The raw data comes from the NLC2CMD competition and the NL2BASH paper open source data, which we have downloaded and placed under the 'data/raw_data' folder.
  2. For preprocessing the raw data and dividing the dataset, the code is stored in preprocess.py. In particular, because we do not fix the random seed when using random.shuffle, it will cause the data obtained at each run to be inconsistent with the data we experimented with.
  3. Since our method involves two stages of training, the corresponding data are also stored under 'data/first_stage_data' and 'data/second_stage_data' respectively.
  4. After running preprocess.py we get the data needed for the first stage of training, which is stored in 'data/first_stage_data'.
  5. After the retrieval enhancement by the retrieval module, the data obtained is the data we need for the second stage training, which is stored under 'data/second_stage_data'. The use of the retrieval module is described below.

Ⅱ First Stage Training

​ Open run.py in the 'first_stage_train' directory, change the codebert_path to the local CodeBERT path, and run it directly. Save the bleu optimal model parameters and place them in 'pretrained_model/first_stage/pytorch_model.bin'.

Ⅲ Information Retrieval Module

  1. Open the 'IR/bert_whitening.py' file and modify the CodeBERT path corresponding to MODEL_NAME in line 7. Run it directly and you will get the code semantic repository needed to retrieve and the kernel and bias needed for the whitening operation.
  2. Open the 'IR/IR_Module.py' file and modify the type in the seventh line for retrieval. (For the training set, it needs to filter out itself)
  3. The retrieved enhanced data is saved under 'data/second_stage_data'.

Ⅳ Second Stage Training

​ Open run.py in the 'second_stage_train' directory, change the codebert_path to the local CodeBERT path, set the fix_encoder parameter to True, and run it directly.

Ⅴ Don't want to train? Just use

​ We open source the model parameters of the second phase of the training and download them at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iv9PLVgj4iXmhW0EjCf9w5u-A2Zl2DxT/view

​ Download it and place it under the 'pretrained_model/second_stage' path, then run run.py directly, which contains the code to generate the test set and the code example to generate a single bash comment.