
A curated list of awesome ultrasound standard plane detection.

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A curated list of awesome ultrasound standard plane detection.

1. Papers

Papers & Code Short for Schemes Notes
Automated Selection of Standardized Planes from Ultrasound Volume [MICCAI-MLMI 2011] 2STC Sliding Window, Haar, AdaBoost, AS Detection, SP Classification
Learning-based scan plane identification from fetal head ultrasound images [Medical Imaging 2012] - Template Matching, Active Appearance Models, AS Detection, LDA, SP Classification
Intelligent Scanning: Automated Standard Plane Selection and Biometric Measurement of Early Gestational Sac in Routine Ultrasound Examination [Medical Physics 2012] IS Sliding Window, Haar, Cascade AdaBoost, AS Localization, Relative Position, Local Context Information, SP Classification
Selective Search and Sequential Detection for Standard Plane Localization in Ultrasound [MICCAI-CCCAI 2013] SSSD Haar, AdaBoost, Segmentation, Accumulative Vessel Probability Map, Selective Search, Geometric Relationship, Sequence AS Detection, SP Localization
Standard Plane Localization in Ultrasound by Radial Component [ISBI 2014] RCD Random Forest, Geometric Constrain, Radial Component, AS Detection, SVM, SP Localization
Automatic Recognition of Fetal Standard Plane in Ultrasound Image [ISBI 2014] FV-Aug AdaBoost, Dense Sampling Feature Transform Descriptor, Fish Vector, Spatial Pyramid Coding, Gaussian Mixture Model, SVM, SP Classification
Standard Plane Localization in Ultrasound by Radial Component Model and Selective Search [Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 2014] RVD Random Forest, Geometric Constrain, Radial Component, Vessel Probability Map, Selective Search, AS Detection, SVM, SP Localization
Diagnostic Plane Extraction from 3D Parametric Surface of the Fetal Cranium [MIUA 2014] - Topological Manifold Representation, Landmark Alignment, 3D Parametric Surface Model, SP Localization
A Constrained Regression Forests Solution to 3D Fetal Ultrasound Plane Localization for Longitudinal Analysis of Brain Growth and Maturation [MICCAI-MLMI 2014] CRF-FA-Dist Informative Voxels, Reference Plane, Constrained Regression Forest, SP Localization
Automatic Recognition of Fetal Facial Standard Plane in Ultrasound Image via Fisher Vector [PLOS ONE 2015] FV-Chi2-SDCA Spatial Stacking, Densely Sampled Root Scale Invariant Feature Transform, Gaussian Mixture Model, Fisher Vector, Multilayer Fisher Network, SVM, SP Classification
Plane Localization in 3-D Fetal Neurosonography for Longitudinal Analysis of the Developing Brain [JBHI 2015] CRF-FA-Dist-M Informative Voxels, Manual Reference Plane, Constrained Regression Forest, SP Localization
Standard Plane Localization in Fetal Ultrasound via Domain Transferred Deep Neural Networks [JBHI 2015] T-CNN Knowledge Transfer, CNN, SP Localization
Automatic Fetal Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using Knowledge Transferred Recurrent Neural Networks [MICCAI 2015] T-RNN CNN, Knowledge Transfer, Joint Learning, Spatio-temporal Feature, RNN, SP Classification
Fetal Facial Standard Plane Recognition via Very Deep Convolutional Networks [EMBC 2016] - DCNN, SP Classification
Real-Time Standard Scan Plane Detection and Localisation in Fetal Ultrasound Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks [MICCAI 2016] - CNN, Unsupervision, Saliency Maps, AS Localization, SP Classification
Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using a Composite Neural Network Framework [Transactions on Cybernetics 2017] T-RNN CNN, RNN, Composite Framework, SP Classification
SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal Standard Scan Planes in Freehand Ultrasound [TMI 2017] [Official Code] [Third-Party Code] SonoNet CNN, SP Classification, Weakly Supervision, AS Localization
Automatic Detection of Standard Sagittal Plane in the First Trimester of Pregnancy Using 3-D Ultrasound Data [Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 2017] - Deep Belief Network, Circle Detection, SP Classification
Attention-Gated Networks for Improving Ultrasound Scan Plane Detection [MIDL 2018] [Official Code] AG-SonoNet CNN, Attention, SP Classification, Weakly Supervision, AS Localization
Standard Plane Localisation in 3D Fetal Ultrasound Using Network with Geometric and Image Loss [MIDL 2018] - CNN, Rigid Transformation, Geometric Loss, Image Loss, SP Localization
Standard Plane Detection in 3D Fetal Ultrasound Using an Iterative Transformation Network [MICCAI 2018] [Official Code] ITN CNN, Rigid Transformation, SP Localization
Automatic and Efficient Standard Plane Recognition in Fetal Ultrasound Images via Multi-scale Dense Networks [MICCAI-DATRA/PIPPI 2018] MSDNet Multi-scale, Cascade, Dense Connection, CNN, SP Classification
SonoEyeNet: Standardized fetal ultrasound plane detection informed by eye tracking [ISBI 2018] SonoEyeNet CNN, Eye Tracking, Visual Heatmap, Information Fusion, SP Classification
Multi-task SonoEyeNet: Detection of Fetal Standardized Planes Assisted by Generated Sonographer Attention Maps [MICCAI 2018] M-SonoEyeNet Multi-task, CNN, Eye Tracking, GAN, Generator, Sonographer Attention, Discriminator, Predicted Attention, SP Classification
Agent with Warm Start and Active Termination for Plane Localization in 3D Ultrasound [MICCAI 2019] DDQN-AT Landmark Alignment, Reinforcement Learning, CNN, RNN, SP Localization
SPRNet: Automatic Fetal Standard Plane Recognition Network for Ultrasound Images [MICCAI-PIPPI/SUSI 2019] SPRNet CNN, Weight-share, Transfer Learning, SP Classification
Deep Learning-Based Methodology for Recognition of Fetal Brain Standard Scan Planes in 2D Ultrasound Images [IEEE Access 2019] - Data Augmentation, DCNN, Domain Transfer, SP Classification
Standard Plane Identification in Fetal Brain Ultrasound Scans Using A Differential Convolutional Neural Network [IEEE Access 2020] Different-CNN Differential Operator, Differential CNN, SP Classification
Evaluation of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Automatic Classification of Common Maternal Fetal Ultrasound Planes [Scientific Reports 2020] [Third-Party Code] - Data Augmentation, PCA, Hog, Boosting, VGG, MobileNet, Inception-v3, ResNet, SENet, SE-ResNet, DenseNet, SP Classification
Automatic Fetal Middle Sagittal Plane Detection in Ultrasound Using Generative Adversarial Network [Diagnostics 2020] - Segmentation, Object Detection, Seed Point, GAN, SP Localization
Recognition of Fetal Facial Ultrasound Standard Plane Based on Texture Feature Fusion [CMMM 2021] LH-SVM Local Binary Pattern, Histogram of Oriented Gradient, Feature Fusion, SVM, SP Classification
Principled Ultrasound Data Augmentation for Classification of Standard Planes [IPMI 2021] - Data Augmentation, Augmentation Policy Search, CNN, SP Classification
Generative Adversarial Networks to Improve Fetal Brain Fine-Grained Plane Classification [Sensors 2021] - GAN, Data Augmentation, CNN, SP Classification
Agent with Warm Start and Adaptive Dynamic Termination for Plane Localization in 3D Ultrasound [TMI 2021] [Official Code] AgentSPL Landmark Alignment, Reinforcement Learning, CNN, RNN, SP Localization
Autonomous Navigation of An Ultrasound Probe Towards Standard Scan Planes with Deep Reinforcement Learning [ICRA 2021] SonoRL Reinforcement Learning, Probe Navigation, Confidence-aware Agent, CNN, SP Localization
Searching Collaborative Agents for Multi-plane Localization in 3D Ultrasound [MIA 2021] MARL Multi-agent, Reinforcement Learning, RNN, NAS, SP Localization
Automatic Fetal Ultrasound Standard Plane Recognition Based on Deep Learning and IIoT [Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2021] FUSPR CNN, RNN, Spatial-temporal Feature, SP Classification
Automatic quality assessment for 2D fetal sonographic standard plane based on multitask learning [Medicine 2021] - CNN, AS Classification, Object Detection, AS Localization, SP Quality Control
Statistical Dependency Guided Contrastive Learning for Multiple Labeling in Prenatal Ultrasound [MICCAI-MLMI 2021] MLL-GCN-CRC Word Embedding, GCN, CNN, Cluster Relabeled Contrastive Learning, Multi-label, AS Classification, SP Classification

Tags: Standard Plane --> SP | Anatomical Structure --> AS

2. Public Datasets

  • FETAL_PLANES_DB: Common maternal-fetal ultrasound images. | Official | Here
    • 6 Classes:
      • Fetal Anatomical Planes: Abdomen, Brain (Further categorized into the 3 most common fetal brain planes: Trans-thalamic, Trans-cerebellum, Trans-ventricular), Femur, Thorax.
      • Mother’s Cervix.
      • General Category: Including any other less common image plane.
    • Meta Information: Patient number, US machine, Operator.
    • Training-test split used in the Nature Sci Rep paper.

3. Practice

4. Acknowledgements

Thanks to the contributors of all the above papers, code, public datasets, and other resources.