
ImageB is open source software to visualize ultrasound bidimensional images from RF (Radio Frequency) collected data.

Primary LanguageC++


ImageB is open source software to visualize ultrasound bidimensional images from RF
collected data. Check the tutorial file for more details: ImageB_Tutorial.pdf

Folder's Contents:

bin - the binary version for MS-Windows platform.
requirements: library required to compile and run ImageB.
RF_samples: sample of RF data to be tested with ImageB
src: it has the complete source code of project.


This program has been implemented in the Ultrasound Laboratory of the Centre for Biomedical Engineering (CEB) by J. P. Eiti Kimura as part of the requirements to obtain his Master in Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering area, at the Department Of Biomedical Engineering of the School of Electrical and Computing Engineering (DEB/FEEC) of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brasil. 


J. P. Eiti Kimura                         E. T. Costa
eitikimura[at]yahoo.com.br                educosta[at]ceb.unicamp.br

Ultrasound Laboratory
Center for Biomedical Engineering (CEB)