#3DMM Unity

Simple example to control 3DMM face using UDP on Unity. picture #Pipeline Unity reads 3dmm basis, and set up a UDP server to receive expression parameters. A simple python program to send expression parameters. And the unity will received it to render the face.

#Set up Set up face index in Unity.

  1. Open Folder with Unity, also pycharm with folder
  2. Check Extract Index(script) in Unity under "face/default" object.
  3. Uncheck DMM(script) in Unity under "face/default" object.
  4. Run Unity, and wait it finish. [remember to correct the path]
  5. Close Unity, run Match function in python script.[This needs quite a long time]


  1. Open Folder with Unity, also pycharm with folder
  2. Uncheck Extract Index(script) in Unity under "face/default" object.
  3. Check DMM(script) in Unity under "face/default" object.
  4. Run UDP_send in python script.
  5. You will note the face expression in Unity will be changed.[you can change the camera correspondingly]

#Test platform This code is very simple, should be compatible with any version. However, my pc is using Vs2019 + Python 3 + Unity 2019.3.0f6