
Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

On the Usefulness of Deep Ensemble Diversity for Out-of-Distribution Detection

This repository contains code for our paper accepted to the Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision at ECCV 2022. If you found either the paper or the code useful please consider citing it:

  title={On the Usefulness of Deep Ensemble Diversity for Out-of-Distribution Detection},
  author={Guoxuan Xia and Christos-Savvas Bouganis},


The main requirements for this repository are:

pytorch (+torchvision)

Datasets and Setup

The datasets used in our work can be obtained by following the links and/or instructions below.

After obtaining the data edit experiment_configs/change_paths.py such that the dictionary data_paths is updated with the correct paths to all the datasets and RESULTS points to the directory where you want results (plots and .csv files) to be saved. Then run the script to update the configuration .json files.

cd experiment_configs
python change_paths.py
cd ..


To train and test 5 models from scratch run:

cd models
mkdir saved_models
cd ..
cd experiment_scripts
chmod +x *
cd ..

You can specify which GPU to use within the files. The training script allows multigpu, but this must be specified in the experiment_config/resnet50_imagenet200.json configuration file rather than a command line argument. For example, you could edit the field "gpu_id": [0,1,2] to use 3 GPUs. The field "data_parallel" also needs to be set to true.


We also provide the weights for our trained models. Once you have models.zip, place it in models/ and unzip it.

cd models
mkdir saved_models
unzip models.zip -d saved_models
cd ..

To test the trained models run

cd experiment_scripts
chmod +x *
./resnet50_imagenet200.sh -t 1
cd ..

The python script test.py runs inference and saves logits/features, so it only needs to be run once. If you want to re-run evaluation then you can run resnet50_imagenet200_from_logits.sh to obtain results .csv files.

To obtain tables and plots from our paper after testing all networks run

cd experiment_scripts
cd ..

The --latex command line argument for ens_table.py controls whether the tables are printed in TeX or not. Set it to 1 inside present_eval.sh if you want to render the tables like in the paper.