
Convert a Ren'Py game to a single index.html

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Converts RenPy games to a single index.html

Some code reused/inspired from: https://github.com/lolbot-iichan/rpy2wse


Install dependencies of the project (from ., but will be installed in ./json2html):

npm i --production --prefix json2html


./rpy2html <renpy executable> <renpy game folder> [--lang <en|fr>] [-o <output_dir>]

Default output_dir is ./dist.

See also:

  • Only generating output json, but don't make the bundle:

    rpy2json/bin/rpy2json <renpy executable> <renpy game folder> [-o <output_file>]

    Default output_file is ./generated-json/game.json.

  • Making the bundle (needs json):

    json2html/bin/json2html <json_file> [-o <output_dir>]

    Default output_dir is ./dist.

What it does (without any waranty)

what it does

Game engine development

cd json2html
npm i

Make sure to have the ./generated-json/game.json file.

  • Start development server:

    npm run start

    Open http://localhost:3000.

  • Build bundle (output directory: rpy2html/dist):

    npm run build
  • Lint:

    npm run lint


I didn't test in on a lot of different games and there are certainly a lot of bugs. Let me know if you find some!