
Launch containers via SSH

Primary LanguageShellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

SSH Container Environment

A secure, containerized SSH environment that provides isolated Docker containers for each user session. The system authenticates users via OAuth2 and creates dedicated containers with customizable resource limits and security settings.


  • 🔒 Secure user isolation through Docker containers
  • 🔑 OAuth2 authentication integration
  • 💾 Persistent user storage through BTRFS-based VFS mounting
  • 🎯 Configurable resource limits (CPU, Memory, Disk Quota)
  • 🛡️ Enhanced security with read-only root filesystem option
  • 🔧 Customizable Docker capabilities and security options
  • 🌐 Flexible network configuration with multi-network support
  • 📦 Support for custom Docker images
  • ⚡ PTY (pseudo-terminal) support with dynamic window resizing
  • 🔄 Graceful cleanup of containers on system shutdown


  • Docker
  • Go 1.23 or higher
  • Docker Compose v2
  • Linux host system (for VFS mounting)
  • BTRFS filesystem support (for VFS quota management)

BTRFS Setup for WSL

If you're running in a WSL environment, you'll need to set up BTRFS support. Execute these commands in your WSL Docker Desktop distribution:

wsl -d docker-desktop
apk add btrfs-progs
echo btrfs >> /etc/modules
modprobe btrfs


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/gurkengewuerz/sshcontainer.git
cd sshcontainer/docker
  1. Create the required directories and files:
mkdir -p data/{server,vfs,squid}
cp ./squid.conf data/squid/squid.conf
# edit data/squid/squid.conf
  1. Generate an SSH host key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f data/server/ssh_host_key -N ""
  1. Create a .env file with your configuration:


The system can be configured through environment variables:

Variable Description Default
SSH_PORT SSH server port 2222
SSH_HOST_KEY Path to SSH host key /app/ssh_host_key
LOG_LEVEL Log level from 0-6. 4 being Info 4
PARTITION_SIZE BTRFS partition size 20G
QUOTA Disk quota for user storage 1G
OAUTH_ENDPOINT OAuth2 endpoint URL http://proxy:3000
CLIENT_ID OAuth2 client ID (required)
CLIENT_SECRET OAuth2 client secret (required)
DOCKER_IMAGE Base Docker image for containers ubuntu:latest
DOCKER_MEMORY_LIMIT Container memory limit 512M
DOCKER_CPU_LIMIT Container CPU limit 1.0
DOCKER_NETWORK_MODE Docker network mode bridge
DOCKER_CAP_ADD Additional Docker capabilities []
DOCKER_SEC_OPT Docker security options []
DOCKER_READ_ONLY Enable read-only root filesystem false
DOCKER_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY Docker image pull policy unless-present
CONTAINER_IDLE_TIMEOUT Container cleaup timeout 60
CONTAINER_CMD Container exec cmd /bin/bash
CONTAINER_USER Container user empty
CONTAINER_VFS_MOUNT Container VFS Folder mount /workspace
CONTAINER_MOUNTS Container host mounts []


  1. Start the services using Docker Compose inside docker/:
docker-compose up -d
  1. Connect to the SSH server:
ssh -p 2222 username@hostname

Users will be prompted for their OAuth2 credentials during authentication. 2FA is not supported because we are using password authentication.


To build the project locally:

go build -o sshcontainer ./cmd/server


This project is licensed under the AGPL - see the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.