Auto-Song-dowloader with progress bar
Latest updated "" and ""
Download top-daily songs automatically by a single click
Pros: It do not download songs already present in folder of local disk
Recommendation: python 2.7 and run using cmd/terminal for proper working of libraries.
If any library not found: Recommended(Reinstall python 2.7.x) Follow these steps: Note: Skip 1 an 2 if pip already install 1.Add python to environment variables (system) 2.Install pip (add to env variables if required)
Use following command in cmd to install required packages
"py -2.7 -m pip install SomePackage"
Replace SomePackage with required package.
Install following packages(using cmd):
py -2.7 -m pip install tqdm
1.Open cmd
2.Browse to directory of downloaded python file(Using cd)
py -2.7