Discussion Questions: ES6 Features


  • Interpret feature documentation
  • Recognize syntactic sugar

ES6 Feature Review Questions

Summary of Features

Read the Summary of ES6 Features

As you read, keep several running lists:

  • terms and concepts you don't recognize or don't understand
  • shorthand syntax for code that you've written in the past week

Don't feel the need to understand what all of the language features mean right now - since you have the list of features you don't understand, you can return later to read more.

Comparison of ES6 Features

Next, open the explorable Comparison of ES6 Features. Each person in your group should choose one feature to explore. After 10 minutes of exploration, you'll take turns explaining the feature to your teammates. You should be able to speak to

  • The syntax of the new feature
  • What the feature is for
  • What syntax the feature replaces or is a shorthand for
  • Some example uses of the feature

Good features to choose:

  • Template Literals
  • Scoping
  • Constants
  • Extended Parameter Handling
  • Enhanced Object Properties
  • Destructuring Assignment

Group Discussion

  1. Compare your lists of terms you don't recognize. Do you as a group have explanations for features that you did not individually?
  2. For the feature you chose, explain the feature to your group.

Further Reading

  • TC39 Process - how does the ECMAScript standard get updated?
  • TC39 Proposals - what is the status of proposals for changes to the ECMAScript standard?