Welcome to SnapCart! SnapCart is a social media platform where users can create, share, and interact with posts. Below you will find information on how to use SnapCart and its various features.
Login/Register Authentication: Secure authentication system for users to sign up for a new account or log in to an existing one.
Create/Delete/Show Posts: Users can create new posts, delete their own posts, and view posts created by themselves and others.
Feed: The feed displays posts from all users, providing a centralized location to view content.
Like and Save Posts: Users can express their * * appreciation for posts by liking them, and they can save posts to revisit later.
Saved Posts Page: A dedicated page where users can access all the posts they have saved.
Search Users Page: Users can search for other users by name or username.
Add/Delete Notes: Users can add personal notes to posts and delete them as needed.
Follow/Unfollow Other Users: Users can follow other users to stay updated on their posts and unfollow them if desired.
Responsive Design: SnapCart is designed to work seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes, ensuring a consistent user experience.
- Navigate to the client directory:
cd client
- Install client dependencies:
npm install
- Navigate to the server directory:
cd server
- Install server dependencies:
npm install
Follow the steps below to run the project in development mode.
Development Mode
- Run the project in development mode:
npm run dev
- The client is available at http://localhost:5173.
- The server is available at http://localhost:3000.
npm run build
We welcome contributions from the community to help improve and expand the SnapCart. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, there are several ways you can contribute.
- Fork the project repository on GitHub.
- Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
- Install the necessary dependencies using npm install.
- Create a new branch for your contribution: git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name.
- Make your changes and test them thoroughly.
- Commit your changes with descriptive commit messages.
- Push your branch to your forked repository: git push origin feature/your-feature-name.
- Open a pull request to the original repository's main branch, explaining your changes and their benefits.