
Pytorch implementation of Latent Fingerprint Registration via Matching Densely Sampled Points

Primary LanguagePython


PyTorch implementation of Latent-Fingerprint-Registration-via-Matching-Densely-Sampled-Points


  • Python 3: cv2, numpy, scipy, matplotlib
  • PyTorch >= 1.0


In the proposed latent fingerprint registration algorithm, the patch alignment and patch matching module are trained seperately.

  • To train the local patch alignment model:

    • Before running this code, please modify config.py to your own configurations.
    • When training the model with your own data, the dataset should include:
      • image dir: pairs of image patches with transformation parameters (dx, dy, da)
      • pdimage dir: the correspoinding orientation maps
      • menu.txt: in the form of (fname1, fname2, dx, dy, da)
  • To train the local patch matching model:

    • Before running this code, please modify config.py to your own configurations.
    • When training the model with your own data, the dataset should include:
      • image dir: image patches centered on key points (minutiae or sampling points). At least 8 images are required for each class.
      • pdimage dir: the correspoinding orientation maps
      • menu.txt: the format of each line is (fname, class_label)


The pretrained patch alignment and patch matching models can be downloaded Baidu Drive https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ByIGUHj0x9k6gyY2evkq8w (extraction code: qz2y ).

  • The patch alignment and patch matching algorithms can be tested seperately with the test.py in each dir.
  • To obtain the potential corresponding points on a pair of fingerprints, please use the code in Testing dir.



If you have any questions about our work, please contact gus16@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn