
A project to test some firebase features

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Start with firebase

Firebase Hosting

To put our projects online we can host by firebase. Firebase it's a good way to do this.

firebase init Start the firebase on your project

firebase emulators:start Emulates your project in local host

To emulate to more devices, put this following code on firebase.json:

	"hosting": {
	"emulators": {
		"hosting": {
		"port":  5000,
		"host":  ""

firebase hosting:channel:deploy: CHANNEL_ID

If you want others to view changes to your web app before going live, you can use preview channels

Replace CHANNEL_ID with a string with no spaces (for example, feature_mission-2-mars). This ID will be used to construct the preview URL associated with the preview channel. Expires after one week Can access production data View this current test: Discovering firebase.

Firebase functions (and a little about firestore)

firebase init firestore Initialize firestore in the project