
Can't reconfigure the credential files and the working scope

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I couldn't figure out how to reload an API credential JSON file and reset the read/write permission. Could you let me know how to do that? Thanks

Hi @elvesdynam

Thank you very much for opening this issue.

Running the command Google Drive: Configure Credentials should let you select the JSON again and configure the API credentials with the new scopes. This way you can select the same JSON again, but after that, selecting different read/write permissions. However, there is a known bug where it sometimes does not work very well when one has a pre-configured credential in an invalid way (it is an specific situation to be addressed on issue #23).

In case you are having trouble with Google Drive: Configure Credentials and you are using Windows, please refer to this comment with instructions related to manually removing the old credentials on Control Panel. Could you tell me if that worked for you, please?

For the current issue, I believe it would be nice to implement a new command to change the working scope using the same pre-configured credentials. The benefit would be that the user does not need to select the JSON file again, simply opening the browser in order to configure the OAuth permission with data from the previously selected JSON. The command could be something like: Google Drive: Reconfigure credentials scope.

Thanks in advance!