Software engineer with focus in NodeJs, Go and the amazing world that surrounds them.
LeadLoversSão Paulo, Brasil
GustavoCesarSantos's Following
- andreluizseccoWay2 Technology
- danielmesquittaSword Health
- backend-brBrazil
- HunCodingBrazil
- Rapha-BorgesSão Bernardo Do Campo, SP
- filhodanuvem@devgymbr
- GiovanaNp1@IBM
- phenpessoaBrazil and Portugal
- PauloVaz-devRecife- PE
- aureliojargasUlm, Germany
- ThePrimeagenCEO Of TheStartup
- HunnTeRUS@MercadoLibre
- ManualDoCodigo
- wcalderipe@narval-xyz
- waldemarnt@tech-leads-club
- tech-leads-clubBrazil
- Mentor-CycleBrazil
- badtuxx
- asouzaCaelum
- zenorocha@resend
- pawap90
- brigadecore
- khaosdoctorFounding Software Engineer @openvolt
- rodrigobranasFlorianópolis, Brazil
- guiseek@w3c, @DeveloperParana, @codaqui, @hacktoberfest-brasil
- IGDEXE@M3Corp-Community
- otaviolemosUNIFESP
- ErickWendel@ew-academy
- BrunoComitreSorocaba, SP - Brazil