Wizard Challenge


The challenge is to develop a solution that is able to authorization endpoints to user signin/signup.

Building from source

  1. Ensure you have

    Node.js installed - goto https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/ to download installer for your OS.

    PostgreSql installed or in deployment - goto https://www.postgresql.org/download/ to download installer for your OS.

  2. Clone this repository to your local filesystem (default branch is 'master')

  3. To download the dependencies

     npm install
  4. Create an .env file and fill it out as indicated in .env.sample

  5. To run the application, run the following command on the project root folder

     npm start

Running npm tasks


For production you need to provide to enviroment variables:

  • DATABASE: Database name
  • DB_USER: Database user name
  • PASSWORD: Database password
  • HOST: Host for ProstgreSQL Database
  • KEY: Key to sign access tokens

With this you need just run the following commands:

  • npm install

  • npm start to production server or npm run dev - To have a live reload debug server.

and the aplication will start in port 3000.


Additionally, you can use docker container to automatise backend deployment using the image available in docker hub

    docker pull gmonteiro/gmonteiro/wizard-challenge:latest

ou building from source following next steps o backend bolder:

    docker build . && docker-compose build && docker-compose run nodeapp

See the online backend demo in https://wizard-challenge-api.herokuapp.com/.

Getting Started doc

Postman documentation here.

Contribution guidelines

Not yet